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How much is Audius (audio) in AUD?

The conversion rate of Audius (AUDIO) to AUD is A$0.345919 for every 1 AUDIO. This means you can exchange 5 AUDIO for A$1.73 or A$50.00 for 144.54 AUDIO, excluding fees. Refer to our conversion tables for popular AUDIO trading amounts in their corresponding AUD prices and vice versa.

Is Audius (audio) underperforming the global cryptocurrency market?

With a price increase of 0.60% in the last 7 days, Audius (AUDIO) is underperforming the global cryptocurrency market which is up 3.20%, while underperforming when compared to similar Ethereum Ecosystem cryptocurrencies which are up 12.70%. What is the market sentiment of Audius today?

Is Audius on the rise?

Audius is on the rise this week. The price of Audius has risen by 3.37% in the past 7 days. The price increased by 5.71% in the last 24 hours. In just the past hour, the price grew by 2.84%. The current price is $0.19 per AUDIO. Audius is 96.18% below the all time high of $4.99.

Where to buy Audius stock?

If you would like to know where to buy Audius at the current rate, the top cryptocurrency exchanges for trading in Audius stock are currently Binance, Bybit, Bitunix, DigiFinex, and Bitrue. You can find others listed on our crypto exchanges page. The live Audius price today is $0.1921 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $15,679,454.06 USD.

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